Address Information Management System

A utility to help Philippine LGUs in its respective municipality standardise address formats using ArcGIS

Geodata Systems Technologies, Inc


Project Type
Digital Product and Solution

Design Consultant


The Story

I collaborated (Remote) with Geodata Systems Technologies, Inc, the market leader in the Philippines on geospatial technology products and solutions. They advocate and advance the development, use and sharing of geospatial information products and solutions that help improve people’s lives and good governance. This Web App is a component of their Address Governance Solution.

My Role

My role is the overall UX/UI Design Consultant working along with their marketing, development, and product team. My task as a consultant us to perform usability test, enhance UI and UX with best practices, Validate the user flows and handoff the visual to development team.

The Challenge

Creating a solution for LGU's (Local Government Units) to address, physical address format ambiguity using GIS.

Current Affairs

The current landscape of Address Management in the Philippines is the problem of locating people, establishments, buildings and POIs using their physical address due to the lack of standards  in property numbering systems.

Disadvantages of with no Address Management standards

Difficulty finding addresses makes the delivery person makes multiple rounds within location.

Without address format standards, emergency response can get delayed especially locating the physical  address

An example of locating a POI is finding for polling precinct in voting season. It can be inconvenient which also can result not being able to vote.

Let’s say a person shopped in Lazada but had difficulties receiving the things they shopped. Returned or late deliveries will lead to poor customer satisfaction and may pose bigger business risks

The Importance

LGU Department/OfficeAddressing Roles

  • Planning and Development Office

  • Engineering Department

  • Business Permits and Licensing Office

  • Department of Building Official

  • Pinpoint properties

  • Review planned developments

  • Issue building permits and conduct inspections

  • Law Enforcement

  • Barangay Operations Center

  • Fire Services

  • Dispatch and respond to calls for help

  • Provide assistance in an emergency

  • Assessment and Tax Mapping Office

  • Civil Registry

  • Prepare and record information about property ownership

  • Conduct title searches and administer tax billing

  • Environmental & Solid Waste Management

  • Health and Social Services

  • Housing and Community Development and Resettlement

  • Plan and carry-out medical and solid waste management programs

  • Coordinate social services

  • Carry-out community programs, i.e.Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT)

The Web App

It is a web-based application designed for easy maintenance, management, and access of standardized addresses linked to parcels within an LGU (Local Government Unit). It features an up-to-date Master Address Map and Database with the Legal and Institutional Frameworks in place.

The Modules

The first phase of AIMS comprises of 3 modules:

The Address Cleanser Module offers tools that establishes current and correct addresses by replacing inaccurate or incomplete input data with accurate, verified information from the AlMS’s Master Address Register.

The Address Maintenance Module provides tools to maintain the community addresses on a map.

The Address Map Viewer provides an interactive interface to explore and navigate addresses in a map, which includes tools to customise the view, search addresses, identify features and measurement of distance, area and location.


The Product was developed in Bootstrap 5 along with integration of ArcGIS Map API’s to push map data.

Product Snapshot

This is all the information that is shareable because you know NDAs….. But if you are interested to know more we could discuss over coffee. contact me