Changi Airport Guides

A complete creative publishing solution for Changi Airport

Changi Airport Group

Equity Comunications

Project Type
Publishing Solution

Design Lead


The Story

While working at Equity Communications me and my team had a good 8 year stint with Changi Airport Group to develop their airport guides from the ground up.

Strategy Development

Our team devised a concept, design, and deployment (on-site) strategy with our in-house methodology to provide an efficient solution that delivers maximum quality while maintaining good resource management on our side.

In establishing the groundwork, we set a research process that involved comparative analyses of airport guides distributed in prominent airports around the world to identify areas where Changi Airport guides can stand out and be better designed.

We also user/reader feedback on the merits and areas of improvement of the publications, as well as tenant feedback on the coordination processes behind mounting every issue.

Having developed 3 editions of the airport guides, we have devised a precise yet flexible work system that allowed us to deliver on project targets in a disciplined and efficient manner.

  • Concept Development
  • Presentation
  • Confirmation of Art Direction
  • Tenant Coordination
  • Design & Layout Execution
  • Revisions
  • Final Approval (English)
  • Translated versions
  • Printing
  • Delivery and deployment

Understanding the aesthetic and practical components of presenting Changi Airport’s facilities and services through the airport guides, We have series of design approaches that aim to further strengthen Changi Airport’s brand proposition and ultimately be of service to the readers.

  • Typography
  • Other Language Typefaces
  • Colour Scheme
  • Masthead (master head)
  •  Art Direction

Supervision is handle by our team to ensure proper deployment and distribution:

  • Upon completion of printing, all brochures are delivered to the warehouse for storage.
  • Brochures are distributed and replenished 4 times daily across all 3 terminals.
  • Our team ensures all slots on brochure racks will be adequately stocked at all times.

How It Started

How the visual looked in 2012

How It Evolved

How the visual evolved in 2020 (before pandemic)

Navigation Map

Art Direction

Credits: Photography: Apixels, Art Direction: CJ Dayrit, Tenant Manager: Edward Chong