Changi Airport Guides

A complete creative publishing solution for Changi Airport
Handy Craft Market

The Cathay’s Handy Craft Market is back with all things popular in the 90s.
Innisfree NoSebum Lucky Edition

A social media PR campaign for Innisfree’s 12th anniversary of the No-Sebum Mineral Powder.
Andaz Singapore Unveiling

andaz Singapore unveiling event
Ink & Cut

The Cathay Ink & Cut Event 2017
The Shilla Duty Free #BeautyGoals

Creative for The Shilla Duty Free opening in Singapore
Lladró Popup Invite

A world leader in the
design, manufacturing and distribution of porcelain art creations, Lladró is a
unique mix of talent, audacity and meticulousness in the quest for excellence.